Brian Krausz

I build internet things

Why Not to Do a Startup

June 22, 2007

I found a read with an interesting perspective: The Pmarca Guide to Startups, part 1: Why not to do a startup. They list eight things that make startups a living hell. I find it very interesting that most of those 8, when reading, I couldn’t help but think “that’s exactly why I want to start a startup”. Allow me to explain:

I live for being busy, and despise busy work. I love the idea of dedicating months of your life to a cause because you want to, because it’s something you want to do, not some executive order. The possibility of controlling every aspect of what you do (except for the occasional force majeure) in the attempt to make something big…something with an impact, seems like the only career path that’s worthwhile to me.

I read on a blog somewhere (not sure where, if I find it I’ll post a link) that the author foresees that a commonly-heard answer to the question “what are you doing after college?” will be “forming a startup”.

Some people were meant for PhDs, some for day jobs, and some were meant to work day and night for months on end with little chance of success but infinite possibilities. Those people form startups.

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